Projects / Top Talent Project

Web Designing of Front-end Interface to Monitor Changes in Mangrove Forests

Project Started!

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This is a paid opportunity. In order to be eligible to apply for this project, you need to be part of the Omdena community and have finished at least one AI Innovation Challenge.

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The problem

The mangrove forests in the Rufiji Delta of Tanzania are facing a critical issue of deforestation, which demands effective monitoring and analysis. However, the absence of a well-designed and user-friendly interface hampers the ability of the Government of Tanzania, local conservation groups, and communities to efficiently monitor and respond to changes in the mangrove forests. This results in delayed actions, reduced data accessibility, and limited stakeholder engagement, impeding the conservation and sustainable management of the valuable mangrove ecosystems.

The lack of a robust front-end interface for monitoring changes in mangrove forests has several adverse impacts. Firstly, it hinders the timely detection and response to deforestation incidents, exacerbating the loss of crucial habitat for wildlife and disrupting the delicate ecological balance of the region. Additionally, the lack of user specifications and a user-friendly interface restricts the accessibility of relevant information and real-time analytics, impeding decision-making processes. This can lead to inadequate conservation efforts, further degradation of the mangrove forests, and adverse socio-environmental consequences for local communities relying on these ecosystems.

The proposed solution aims to address the problem by designing a comprehensive and user-centric front-end interface that enables effective monitoring of changes in the Rufiji Delta’s mangrove forests. By leveraging AI-based systems and live analytics, the user interface will provide stakeholders, including the Government of Tanzania, local conservation groups, and communities, with a powerful tool to monitor deforestation and track environmental changes in real time. The design will prioritize user specifications, ensuring an intuitive, visually appealing, and functional interface that facilitates informed decision-making, encourages stakeholder engagement, and empowers prompt actions for mangrove conservation.

The project goals

The ultimate project goal is web designing of the front-end interface to monitor changes in mangrove forests will empower stakeholders with an efficient and user-friendly tool for monitoring deforestation, facilitating timely actions, fostering stakeholder engagement, and supporting effective conservation efforts in the Rufiji Delta of Tanzania.

Project Scope:

  • Develop User Specifications: Collaborate with stakeholders to gather requirements and user specifications for the front-end interface. This will involve understanding the needs and preferences of the Government of Tanzania, local conservation groups, and communities to ensure that the interface meets their monitoring and reporting requirements effectively.
  • Design User-Friendly Interface: Utilize the gathered user specifications to create a user-friendly and intuitive front-end interface. The design should focus on providing easy access to relevant information, real-time analytics, maps, and visualizations of changes in mangrove forests. It should prioritize usability, responsiveness, and an engaging user experience to encourage stakeholder adoption and engagement.
  • Implement Live Analytics: Integrate AI-based systems and live analytics into the front-end interface to provide stakeholders with up-to-date and actionable insights on deforestation and environmental changes in the mangrove forests. This will enable real-time monitoring, timely identification of deforestation incidents, and informed decision-making.
  • Conduct Pilot Testing: Conduct a pilot test of the designed front-end interface in a specific area of the Rufiji Delta to evaluate its effectiveness, usability, and performance. Gather feedback from stakeholders and make necessary refinements to ensure the interface meets their needs and expectations.

**More details will be shared once the project is joined.

Why join? The uniqueness of Omdena Top Talent Projects

Top Talent opportunities come as a natural next step after participating in Omdena’s AI Innovation Challenges.

Everyone in the community is eligible to participate once they have shown the relevant skills based on the merit of involvement in past Omdena challenges and the community.

If you are looking for the next challenge after participating in one or more Omdena AI Innovation Challenges, then we believe you have made the right choice! With a healthy, pressured environment, you will be pushed to contribute, learn and grow even more.

Find more information on how an Omdena Top Talent Program works

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Eligibility to join an Omdena Top Talent project

Finished at least one AI Innovation Challenge

Received a recommendation from the Omdena Core Team Member/ Project Owner (PO) is a plus

Skill requirements

Good English

Software Engineer

Experience working with Web Design, UX/UI is a plus.

Application Form
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