Omdena Developers

Build your Software Development Skills by Joining Omdena
Challenges and tackling real-world projects.

Why become an Omdena Developer?

Become part of a community of 30K+ AI Professionals who tackle on real world problems with tech-based solutions.

Build and Improve your Skills Build Connections Tackle Real-world issues Earn a Professional Certificate Get Hired for Paid Opportunities

Build and Improve your Skills

Omdena Developer Benefit Level up your skills, learn new Technologies and Collaborate with a Global network of AI Professionals.

Build Connections

Omdena Developer Benefit Get a chance to work with other AI professionals both Locally and Internationally.

Tackle Real-world issues

Omdena Developer BenefitBuild solutions with AI and Machine Learning to address real-world problems such as, Emergency Response, Disease Detection, Sediment Risk Analysis and many more.

Earn a Professional Certificate

Omdena Developer Benefit You will receive a Professional Certificate from Omdena after completing a Project or a Course. This can help you level up your career in the AI and Machine Learning field.

Get Hired for Paid Opportunities

Omdena Developer Benefit If you do really well on our challenges and projects, you can have a chance to be hired in our Paid Opportunities as a Top Talent. This could be a great way to kickstart your career in AI. Or work in a new Innovative Company with an Impactful Project.

Omdena Project Types

The 3 Major Project types offered by the Omdena Platform.
Click to learn more about each project type!

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Local Chapter Projects

Open Source and good for Beginners
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AI Innovation Projects

8-week Innovation Project with 50 Collaborators
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Top Talent Projects

Paid Opportunities for experienced, and Top-performing Omdena Developers

Meet our Top Talents

Identifying and developing the best talent from over 30,000 yearly
graduates in Omdena Academy and our Local Chapters.
Learn More

Find a Career Path that suits you best

Find a Career Path that suits best your interests or
experience and build your dream portfolio.

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AI Product Development

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AI Engineering

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Community Development

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AI Research