Projects / Top Talent Project

Empowering Wellness with Tailored Feedback and Lifestyle Recommendations

Project Kickoff: August 28

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This is a paid opportunity. In order to be eligible to apply for this project, you need to be part of the Omdena community and have finished at least one AI Innovation Challenge.

You can find our upcoming AI Innovation Challenges at

The problem

Delivering personalized health programs currently faces challenges in efficiently managing user data and tracking client progress. Without a robust and scalable admin platform, the process of overseeing client data and personalizing health plans can be cumbersome, error-prone, and time-consuming. This inefficiency not only hampers the staff’s ability to respond quickly to client needs but also impacts the overall effectiveness of the health programs offered.

Impact of the Problem:

  • Inefficiency in Data Management: Lacking a centralized and efficient system for managing user data leads to inconsistencies and delays in accessing and updating client information. This can result in a disjointed approach to health management, where staff might not have immediate access to crucial client progress updates or health metrics.
  • Limitations in Scalability: The absence of a scalable platform could hinder the ability to effectively handle an increasing volume of user data. This limitation poses significant challenges in expanding the client base and could potentially lead to operational bottlenecks.
  • Compromised Personalization: Personalization of health programs is key to their effectiveness. Inadequate tools for tracking and analyzing client progress can impede the customization of health plans to individual needs, thus not fully leveraging the data to optimize health outcomes.
  • Reduced Client Satisfaction and Retention: If clients do not see timely and tailored health outcomes, their satisfaction and the likelihood of them continuing with the program could diminish. This impacts client retention rates and the overall reputation of the organization.
  • Obstacles to Technological Advancements: Without a foundational admin platform, the integration of advanced technologies such as AI models, which could significantly enhance the platform’s capabilities, becomes more challenging. This delays the adoption of innovations that could automate and refine the personalization of health programs.

This phase of the project aims to develop a scalable and efficient admin platform to streamline the management of user data and the tracking of client progress. By implementing this foundational tool, the ability to deliver personalized health programs and optimize user outcomes effectively will be enhanced. Future project phases will build on this foundation, including the development of a mobile app and the integration of AI models to further enhance the platform’s capabilities, thereby supporting growth and improving service delivery in the health and wellness sector.

The project goals

The primary goal of this project is to develop a scalable and efficient admin platform to streamline the management of user data and enhance the delivery of personalized health programs. This initiative will unfold over a series of planned phases, each aimed at ensuring the platform meets operational needs and strategic goals:

  • Requirement Specification Document: The project team will compile a comprehensive Requirement Specification Document, outlining detailed functional and technical requirements. This document will serve as a foundation for all subsequent development efforts, ensuring every aspect of the platform is aligned with the operational needs and objectives.
  • Solution Architecture Blueprint: Alongside the requirements document, a detailed Solution Architecture Blueprint will be developed. This blueprint will include the integration of AI features tailored to enhance the platform’s functionality, such as predictive analytics for user behavior and machine learning algorithms for data optimization.
  • Precise Cost Estimation: With the requirements and architecture defined, a precise cost estimation will be provided. This will cover all aspects of the project from initial development to deployment, ensuring that the resources can be allocated effectively and planning for implementation without financial ambiguities can be done.
  • UI/UX Design Wireframes: Initial wireframes that outline the user interface design will be developed. These wireframes will be iteratively refined based on feedback to ensure the platform is intuitive and meets the specific needs of users, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Each phase of this project is designed to build upon the last, ensuring that the final product not only meets the current needs but also incorporates flexibility for future enhancements and scalability. This strategic approach promises substantial benefits in operational efficiency, client engagement, and business scalability, contributing significantly to the long-term success in the health and wellness sector. Thus, this project aims to deliver a robust admin platform that significantly enhances the capability to manage client data and track progress effectively.

**More details will be shared with the designated team.

Why join? The uniqueness of Omdena Top Talent Projects

Top Talent opportunities come as a natural next step after participating in Omdena’s AI Innovation Challenges.

Everyone in the community is eligible to participate once they have shown the relevant skills based on the merit of involvement in past Omdena challenges and the community.

If you are looking for the next challenge after participating in one or more Omdena AI Innovation Challenges, then we believe you have made the right choice! With a healthy, pressured environment, you will be pushed to contribute, learn and grow even more.

Find more information on how an Omdena Top Talent Program works

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Eligibility to join an Omdena Top Talent project

Finished at least one AI Innovation Challenge

Received a recommendation from the Omdena Core Team Member/ Project Owner (PO) is a plus

Skill requirements

Good English

Machine Learning Engineer

Experience working with Machine Learning and/or Predictive Analytics is a plus.

This challenge is hosted with our friends at

Application Form
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