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Omdena and Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab, Prince Sultan University Start Partnership to Create New Local Chapter

August 11, 2022

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Omdena and Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab, Prince Sultan University (PSU) start a partnership which aims to establish a local Omdena chapter within the university and create linkages between the Omdena School and local institutions and agencies. 

Datathon Competition

Source: Prince Sultan University

Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab, Prince Sultan University together with Omdena will establish a new chapter at the university and give its students the unique opportunity to learn about artificial intelligence and machine learning while working on real-world problems. 

Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab, Prince Sultan University will undertake a series of activities to make the above goals possible. Among others, the university will be hosting the global Omdena challenge as well as inform and mobilize students to take part in the organized projects. AIDA Lab, PSU will also engage in its activities with different groups of stakeholders which can add value to the whole partnership. 

“The mission of Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab, Prince Sultan University for launching the Omdena Chapter is to promote real-world AI and Data Science knowledge and applications through running open-source projects, challenges and providing an innovative platform to the community aligned to Saudi Vision 2030 and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are places at the heart of Prince Sultan University”

– said Tanzila Saba, Research Professor, Prince Sultan University. 

Prince Sultan University

Source: Prince Sultan University

On the other hand, Omdena will launch the course on Essentials of Data Science for potential hackathon participants from the university. Organization will also explore new forms of potential collaboration with local institutions and agencies through the Omdena School

“The aim of Omdena is to enable underserved communities to address local issues with the use of data science and Artificial Intelligence. This partnership will educate the youth of Prince Sultan University along with other local institutions on the real-world problems of local communities with hands-on experience of data science skills in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, It will help to prepare great data scientists, Machine Leaning engineers, and Data Analysts for the industry”

– said Erum Afzal, Head of Omdena School.

About Prince Sultan University

Prince Sultan University in its long-term strategy wants to put a special emphasis on technology and innovation. As the first Private University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it wants to create easy access for its students to all the technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution. 

About Omdena

Omdena is a platform helping mission-driven organizations and startups build impactful AI solutions through global collaboration and empowering AI Engineers from all over the world to become changemakers. To date, over 20,000+ AI Engineers from 120+ countries have been part of Omdena building impact-driven solutions for 220+ organizations. Omdena also has local chapters in 195+ locations across 80+ countries.

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